Stories & More

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Cat that was a Dog: Part 3

tabby tried to meow to wake them up but a bark came out instead. zevon and cosmo woke up instantly. "is that really you, tabby?" zevon asked. "yes!" tabby said. "how'd you get to look like a canine?" cosmo asked. "i--" tabby began. "--got zapped by a ray by a bad guy." zevon finished. "yes. how did you know?" tabby asked. "he watches horror movies every night after we go to bed." cosmo said. zevon scowled at him. "we need a nuclear radiation dispenser. it may be our only hope!" he said. "how do you make hairballs?" tabby asked zevon. "we don't," zevon replied. "uh-oh."


apology accepted?

Hello, people. I am sorry I have not updated my blog in about five months. I started third grade, and I have been busy. I type these words on Thanksgiving day, the day of the Pilgrims and Native Americans' feast. But now let's see what happenes to Tabby, in The Cat that was a Dog: Part 3!